10. Turkey jerky
Jerky is a food renowned since ancient Egypt. While beef jerky is a favorite food of most people, turkey jerky is a leaner alternative to the beef variety. The high-protein content and chewy texture will help you feel satiated after only a few small pieces. Keep a package of turkey jerky in your desk or tote bag and you’ll always have a nutritious snack within reach. You can also add it to your salad or make a turkey jerky sandwich.
More: 8 Dieting Dilemmas and How to Overcome Them
When you go on a diet, it doesn’t mean you have to give up snacking. There are plenty of delicious foods that will tickle your taste buds without increasing your waistline. Give all of these weight-loss snacks a try as you work toward achieving the perfect body! What are your favorite weight-loss snacks?